Racing to Wish Yinz Merry Christmas Greeting Card by Sweet Baby Paper Company
Send a little letter to a loved one.
Inside: blank
$6.5 each, 3 for $16. Mix and match cards.
Chloe of Sweet Baby Paper Company is a young designer and entrepreneur. In August of 2019, she made the decision to leave her job to stay at home with her son, “Sweet Baby”. She enjoys watching him learn and grow. Every day is truly an adventure. Chloe has always enjoyed creating handmade cards for family and friends. While it may not be as fast as sending an email or text, she loves the process of designing and building a card, writing a handwritten note, addressing an envelope and walking it to the mailbox. The extra effort is worth the reward of surprising someone with a letter in the mail to let them know you are thinking about them.
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