What could be more perfect for a 2020 Halloween costume than a bottle of hand sanitizer? If you need a last minute costume idea, this one is easy to put together with things you probably already have!

We created this costume as part of a challenge for Pittsburgh Today Live! Take a look at our segment with Heather Abraham:
Here are the hand sanitizer costume instructions and after that the printables for you to download the lettering (made by the talented Chloe of Sweet Baby Paper Company!)
And for everyone who guessed what the costume would be, come to Facebook at 12:30 EST today for the live drawing of the winners!!! (And Deb will be wearing her hand sanitizer costume!)
Hand Sanitizer Halloween Costume
Supply List:
Foam core board or poster board
Box cutter or razor blade to cut foam core board or scissors to cut poster board
Glue stick or double side tape
Black construction or computer paper
Take-out food container
Toilet paper or paper towel roll
Printer or sharpie
Tulle, rope, or yarn
Something sharp to use to poke a hole in the take-out container
Optional – purchase Be Wise Sanitize face mask at SongbirdArtistry.com
Print out letters and arm template – if you don’t have a printer you can write the words on the board.
Use the template to draw the cut out for the neck.

Cut out the shoulders. We used a box cutter.

Cut out the letters and heart.
Use glue stick or tape to attach as per photos. You can also write the words and cut out or draw a heart.
Draw lines to make the top of the bottle.
Lay the 2 sides together and poke holes at right under the top of the bottle. Use tulle, string, or yarn to connect the two sides.
Use template to cut out pump or draw your own.
Cut the bottom of the toilet paper or paper towel roll. If you are using a paper towel roll you will need to cut it in half.

Poke holes in the take-out container and tie with ribbon, string, or tulle.

Assemble as per photo.

We’d love to see your finished costume!
Follow us and tag us on Facebook and Instagram at Songbird Artistry SongbirdArtistry.com 4326 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15224 412-427-5500
Print out the instructions here:
And print the lettering and heart here:
