Color Blocked Scarf Knit Along
$25 Highland wool yarn or $35 cashmere blend
Live instruction from Jolie Elder. You will learn picot, make a hole, fill a hole, joining ssk, and decrease picot. Participant should know how to cast on, knit, and purl.
Choice of 2 colors - Steel City Strong (black and gold) or 3 Rivers Heritage Trail
Yarn has been dyed to match the pattern
Cashmere blend - 10% cashmere, 10% nylon and 80% SW Merino
Highland wool - 100% wool
You will need size 4 needles
Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7, & 14 - 7:00-8:30
Your hosts - Instructor Jolie Elder, Indie Dyer Wendy Colbert, and knitting aficionado Debbie Jacknin
Pattern - Bootkicked, a distressed scarf by Jolie Elder